Thursday, May 31, 2012

Good FengShui Advice - A Must Read for Landform

I am extremely lucky to have come to know about a book, written for "kindergarten" practitioners in mind in very simple English minus difficult FengShui jargons and big ideas which are good in theory but lousy in application. Most FengShui literature in the English language is either to:- 

1. Self glorification and self promotion
2. Says very little or enough to create curiosity to entice readers to enroll into their live courses.
3. Commentary on the classics based on one assumed opinion
4. Compilation of piecemeal theories in meaningless diagram and charts. 
5. Technical manuals like compendium with minimum or no explanation
6. Verbatim translation which offer no explanation whatsoever. 
7. Poor scholarship of classical commentary based on defensive writings
The list can go on and on... 

But this very book is different! It has an unattractive title such as Good FengShui Tips that if you Google, you will get loads of result on it which tells you what to put in your TaiSui area or your bedroom must go along with a pair of mandarin ducks. That is exactly what the book is intended for - Non pretentious and to my surprise, minus the mandarin ducks and whatsoever placebo FengShui. It is an honest interpretation and not just translation of one of the maverick illusive FengShui grandmaster of all time - Jiang DaHong. 

A beginner will read it just like any "cook book". They will usually miss the salient points. Those who are in the know how will take its content as a wakeup call. Almost each sentence is woven with FengShui secret methods or gold nuggets much more expansive then the overpriced live modules for a cost below USD10.00. Yes, you get a shock! 

If one ever asked, what book shall I read as a start in Landform FengShui, this is one book you cannot NOT read. It is a turning point to be a genuine practitioner. The only problem is, you really need a genuine master to point to you what are the hidden nuggets concealed within the book's simple English designed for easy reading. 

The author has demonstrated his knowledge without the need to belittle others, shared his wisdom in genuine gesture without pretends in prudence manner and subliminally informing everyone that you don't need to be a superstar to proof your skill as a knowledgeable practitioner. 

Let me indulge to quote: 

“Why take the door? The door is the SPOT where the Qi is activated and spread out to the interior space… By knowing this Qi distribution, we are then armed with the necessary information to best work with the Qi that is present within the internal and external space…” 

This very sentence says about: - 

1. The Door Xue is the point of reference to plot your internal Qi map 
2. Having this Qi map, one will know how Qi is drawn from the external 
3. And distributed throughout the internal space 
4. Then, one is able to design one’s table, bed or stove to receive Qi 

So you know why your 8 Mansions sometime work, sometime don’t? I am dearly looking forward to his next publication.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tropika Manifesto

This is a Mall straddle between the NKVE highways, designed to be a stop over whenever commuters are stuck in the peak hour traffic jam. Good in theory but since its inception, it suffers from lack of human traffic just like the other case of Re-Publika, detail read HERE

Undergone some makeover especially on the main entrance. Nothing extraordinary, besides crafting of the entrance, a row of water features were added and believed it, it gets better by the day, although Qi distributions on the internal still far from ideal compared to the suburb Mall, we talked about previously. Yes blame it to the strong ShaQi emitting from the highways. 

Imagine, the entire fate of the mall depends on the main door but in many cases, the corrective measures does not involve door tilting. Just a rectification of the immediate bright hall would do justice.

Monday, May 21, 2012

发微论 Fa WeiLun of A Mall

Reading landform classics is not that easy. The classic, 发微论 by Cai YuanDing, 蔡元定, is not an easy script to digest. The YangGong old school did not look highly upon Cai YuanDing, 蔡元定, as a genuine FengShui master. 

They claimed that, “…“Fa WeiLun (发微论)” by Cai YuanDing, together with “ZhaiJin” by Yellow Emperor are not FengShui classics, so due to… misinterpreted The Burial Classics by GuoPu, who is the ancestor of FengShui studies, thus it lead to misunderstanding…” 

However, 发微论 talks about balancing YinYang, which is the first layer of landform consideration that many overlooked. Balancing YinYang may appear to be simple but within Yin there is Yang and vice-versa, complicates matter. So undoubtedly, 入地眼 or Entering Earth Eye, is still the preferred choice for the mechanics of landform. 

The art of effective FengShui is simple in its purest form. If properly apply, even using Zhen WuXing or direct 5 elements, one is able to see result. There is always something common among all the successful outlets. It is the role of the practitioner to distill its truth, even if it means reverse-engineering. That is the learning path to understand FengShui minus all the theories which sounded good in paper but awkward in applications.

The recently opened mall in the suburb was flooded with people. It was designed with FengShui in mind and the master who does that was apparently a SanYuan expert. Water is used extensively on the external unlike the Sand Mall in Singapore, drawing Qi into its main entrance. Balancing YinYang is apparent throughout its Qi distribution techniques making every outlet a fair share to receive Qi. Yet, there is no black turtle and white tiger presence. A worthy mall to examine, FengShui wise and not forgetting, it has no Tilted Doors!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Chinese Calendar 6 – HouQi, LiuJia and NaYin

Since Shang Dynasty, a 10 days week module was introduced, led by a particular GanZi making the 6 Jia (LiuJia) cycles of Stem and Branch. 60 JiaZi  obtained 360. Each  day is assigned to a JiaZi.

HouQi is the Vital Qi measurement of the  resonance forces of nature. It is an interaction between stem and earth branch, some called  Acquired Melody.

Although 60 JiaZi is individually unique, it undergoes its own YinYang resonance. A competent practitioner will able to discern its YinYang attributes  to determine its timing and its medium. Therefore, it is common to say there are only 30 pairs of Acquired Melody coincidentally give one a rotation of 360 per year.

A rough idea to demonstrate such will be the resonance emitted from the interaction between Earth orbiting the Sun while the moon orbiting the Earth. The gravitational stretch among these planetary masses through the medium of water and earth “vibrates” creating wave liked effects liked “sound”. It is also known as penetrating “melodic” of the 5 elements as it has to pass on through a medium liked earth. Modern comparison would like “ultra-sound”, seeing the imagery through the lens of vibration. Therefore, the ancients equal it as Vital Qi.

As to equate such Vital Qi with radioactive properties such as Radon is again, subject to debate. Although in ancient time, radioactivity is not so much apparent compared to the use of other substances such as mercury. That is one reason Vital Qi equals radioactivity may not be entirely True. Read Playing GOD.

So to speak spring begins in the arrival of spring may not necessary meant wood Qi has arrived. It has to wait until its vital Qi arrives and that is measurable.  So, 360 rotation a year compared with 365 ¼ days a year may result in 5 ¼ days off grids. So a certain devise to calibrate its differences is required. The question is what it is?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Confronting Y?

A common account of Land form is the challenge to deal with the “Pulling Nose” and the “Piercing Heart” afflictions (ShaQi). Similarly so when we deal with buildings sitting or facing the “Y” configure road, either with Pulling Nose or Piercing Heart effect. Classics are mutually contradicting on these accounts. Their contradictions, however, is consistent if one understand the overall concepts it ought to explain. Here is where applications differ so much from mere theory. 

A “Y” configuration is either a road splits into two or both roads connect into one. The former is known to be a water mouth and the latter is known as the water shed. The question is always; will a building facing the water mouth be as auspicious to a building facing a water shed, or vice-versa? Next, a pulling nose effect will happen when the road is flowing outward from the house facing while the piercing Heart effect will happen when the road is flowing inward from the house facing. Compounding both effects to the water shed or water mouth; you end up having a cocktail of “ShaQi” to deal with. Worse, if the setting is within an urban area where the roads are defined by rows of building creating what is probably known as Heavenly Chop afflictions or wind gaps. This is why it is FengShui taboo for a house to face a road or Y junction. 

Many case studies revealed that houses in such a location are either vacant or dilapidated. If strictly by the books, it calls for avoidance and probably what is the point of doing FengShui in the first place if there is no cure? However, it is not necessary to be true. There are houses and shops prosper. The question is always – Why? In such doing, it is a land form issue; require a land form solution and probably not the over rated XKDG Fighting Afflictions formula based method.

Happy Wesak and My Thought of The Sasana

Wesak Day, the epitome of three important events, the birth, enlightenment and the death of the Buddha, another SanHe? It is a day not for merry making but contemplation, notably the Buddha’s teachings. 

Speaking about the teaching (Sasana), there are basically two main schools, the Theravada and the Mahayana. The Theravada (teaching of the elders) does not succumb to the practice of metaphysics and elaborated ceremonial with only their forte – mind cultivation for the cessation of birth (Arahanthood). This form of teachings is often misconstrued as impersonal, individualistic, cold, self-centered and anti social. Metaphysics knowledge is not encouraged but by defaults it came as a by-product of the refined mind (Citta) in subtle forms of clairvoyants and the sort. Technically, metaphysics are in placed but they do not attach to it, just another form object (Datthu) for investigative meditation (Vipassana). FengShui on the other hand is absolutely unnecessary as Theravadin are homeless ascetics with no permanent place to stay in their practices (Duthangga). 

The Mahayana, discarded the Arahant ideal in favor of the Bodhisattva (Buddha to be) path of the 10 perfections (Paramis) through endless cycles of birth and death (Samsara) to attain Buddhahood. Such schism stems from a question regarding the nature of Saint (Arahant), who is free of rebirth (Nirvana), are imperfect being. Departing from the old school, they took the name of the Supreme Wheel (Mahayana) and called upon Theravadin, Inferior Wheel (Hinayana). It is a new-age Buddhism encompassing practices from Shamanism, Tantric, and Confucianism to Daoism as skills (Upaya). The molding of this new age reached pinnacle at Nalanda University (ivory tower of Buddhist Studies). The teaching (Dharma) is no longer cater for the commoner, but for the privileged few. New teachers emerged, called Pandits. It is such that metaphysics, occult and astrology find its place within and scriptures are expanded to include the pantheon of Bodhisattvas (Idols), Yoga (exercise), Mudra (hand gesture), Mandala (patterns) and Mantra (chants), collectively known as esoteric teachings, alien to the Theravada in archaic Sanskrit, remote to the common language, Pali. 

Commoners are Sanskrit illiterate, only Brahmin can read sanskrit. Brahmin is a superior caste according to Hindu Purusha Sukta which prescribed, Gods divided the Primeval Purusha to form societies where, Brahmin is the holiest and Shudra (workers) are the lowest caste. Chinese version of PanGu may be coincident, it forms landscapes from its body parts and the genesis of societies is accredited to NuWa with only 2 distinctive classes called the Nobles and the Commoners. 

Access into knowledge is privy to the Brahmin who is the descendents of Indo Aryans, whom regarded Manu, as the progenitor of the 5 tribes and not the 4 caste, which were believed to be fabricated for perpetual domination. Such that the Buddha teaches, Brahmin is not by birth but by conducts, are unconventional that has won supports of the Indians. Ironically, the bastardization of such noble teachings to the stage of Pompous Baroque has made the Sasana extinct from India and boom in the east. Yet, the Silk Road Mahayana scriptures from the ruined Nalanda, are basically “rubbish in – rubbish out”, as Sanskrit concept verbatim translation into Chinese make no sense. Such was the gist teachings of Bodhidharma, where the real Dharma is the Dharma with no words. Zen becomes a fashion overnight. 

The commoner are pragmatic. Since in essence, Zen has no forms, it marries into the Chinese culture of Confucianism and Daoism, contemporary known as “Bud-Dao-Con”. Such tapestry is not unique to the Chinese. The Japanese has their Bushido cum Omyoji. The Tibetans with their Bon cum Tantric. The Thai with their Shamanism mixed Theravada. It is on this account; metaphysics became part and parcel of the collective whole of religious tapestry. 

By token, in the contemporary sense of Chinese Metaphysics, if your 8 mansions or flying stars doesn’t work, you still can mixed and matched with whatsoever methods be it religious or not, as long as it looks mystical and fashionable liked the ability of moving clouds, calling rains, blowing winds. Called it FengShui of the 11th Dimensions? Bullshit! FengShui has nothing to do with religion.

This Wesak is extraordinary. After 10 years of reading the Biography of Acariya Mun, it never fails to amaze me. The Sasana is still very much alive and living, expounded only by the Savaka Arahant in spirits. Does it go the same with FengShui? 

Happy Wesak!


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