Monday, September 29, 2008

A Reflection On SanYuan

We had heard a lot of masters citing TIAN, DI and REN as the 3 core principles of SanYuan. Some may have dwell deeper into defining what TIAN, DI and REN represent. The novelty of these discussions is again salvaged from the classics called DiliHebi or equivalent. These are what were said: -

TIAN = Timing, as in date selection. DI = Location, as in formation and REN = Ying Yang, dwelling for the death or the living. Apparently, these are the current understanding.

TIAN = Heaven will, as in fate. DI = Earth, as in Fengshui and REN = Human, as in Destiny. This was taken from the context of first, fate, second, destiny and third Fengshui. Again, these sayings had been grossly misunderstood.

TIAN = Heaven Yuan, DI = Earth Yuan and REN = Human Yuan. These become the back bone for the DaGua, FeiXing and LiuFa applications. Again, are these grossly misunderstood?

The ancient masters said to whom shall the art of KanYu served? Does the celestial being needed so much of these arts or it is the human that has requested this art to be handed by the will of Heaven? Heaven bestow, Earth received. This is the starting point of SanYuan. This is Affinity with Heaven.

The 24 mountain rings of the Luopan have been credited to Grandmaster Yang Jun Song. Liked the master of the old, he has used the secret of the Luopan for the benefits of the masses, earning him the title of Yang Jiu Ping (Savior of the poor). Before him, the Yellow Emperor has also been using this tool for the benefits of his people. It is of such a legendary feats that, it was called a legend rather than a historical account. Has any master of the old says that these were indeed a fiction? To who has been benefited from the knowledge of this art has the Affinity with Earth.

By practicing this art, the beneficiary is the masses. It is the householder requests that such an art was bestowed. This is the Affinity with Man.

The master of the old said, things come in three. Affinity comes in three. Result comes in three. Knowing SanYuan knows what these three are. The question is do you know?

Ar. David Yek Tak Wai


Lai said...

Hi David,

I really enjoy reading your postings and thoughts on Feng Shui and BaZi.

Although some of them sounds Greek to me, but at least I know where I stand in term of Feng Shui knowledge.

Thank you.

Best regards,


Hi Chris,

Noted your response with thanks. Have one ever come across any Fengshui Master who has wealth but lack the other two most important aspects of lives such as health and human relationship? This is what as meant by SanYuan. So, do not be clouded by the fact that if a Fengshui master drives a 5 series, he is indeed a good one.



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