Recently, there were concerns that free reading or audit will result in adverse effects to the practitioner. How does this come about? This came about in a sense of the cup that has been emptied, needs to be filled. The cup that has been filled needs to be emptied, for he who named the myriad things needs to walk the nameless path. That is the golden rule of equilibrium.
Note this...
He, who practices the art, is protected by the art. How to practice the art? Liked any field, one has to be admitted to the field. Even lawyers need to be admitted to the Bars before he can practice. Some called it lineage, other called it guild. In the admission process, there are oath taking, tea ceremony, exchanging of gifts, signing of scroll and the most important of all, seeking the heaven's mandate.
It is true that in the art of Yi, one has to come with a sincere heart. The first classic that one must understand is not the Burial Classic, but Dao DeChing. To walk the path of Nothingness and Name the name of the myriad things. This becomes the fundamental. With consent, one shall practice.
Second, by receiving a token payment indicates that one is practicing the art therefore will be protected by the art, even if the other party defaulted (not paying for the service rendered, happens very often in the field of Architecture). He, who empties his cup, has it filled. Similarly, the consequences will rest upon the master who did not deliver the correct teaching, not the student who applies wrongly. This is called affinity to the art.
The art of Yi is liken to burning oneself to enlighten others, who else would supply one the fuel if it is not Heaven. On such account, I do pity many students whom are not aware of the consequences when they graduated from the commercialized academy in town. Even to an extend that such an art were employed as party-tricks to garnered popularity.
Look around the academies in town, symposium is fall short of participants, tickets will have to be given free of charge. That is talking about freebies. Just round the corners, one will see more classes and shops selling FengShui paraphernalia had been close down, one after another. The master can’t even look after their own affairs? Interesting observation.
Not that I disagree with popular believe, I must admit that experiences proved that casually use of the art of Yi will garner retribution 100 times fold. The concerns that had been mentioned by others, will be explained at length when someone who is admitted to the guild starting from day one. There are 3 major don'ts and a list of precepts to be undertaken. We can dig as much as we would liked through the classics and satisfy ourselves with lyrical dogmas of the 5 elements yet we stand witnessed before heaven and earth, when a role is discharge, that only one is accountable of one's own action.
When the world knows beauty as beautiful, ugliness exists. Understand this and you will understand what I meant.
Note: Picture Credit, &
Hello David,
Firstly, you need to start writing in plain English, to the point, for the layman to read and understand. If it is your intention to inform the public, it is best to put it as easy for people to read as possible. There is no need for "flowery" essays, indirect or hidden meanings, or read-between-the-lines kind of writings. Be direct and to the point. This is to avoid any misunderstandings of what you have to write.
As you so put it, "you pity the many students who are not aware of consequences....." Now that you have highlighted the "grave" situation, don't you think you owe an explanation to your readers of the consequences and how it can be prevented? Otherwise, you are just as good as the commercialised academy in town i.e. scaring the public to garner popularity i.e. telling people you know something that others don't and therefore, you are some master of some metaphysic.
If you are not willing to share, it is better not to say anything than to leave a doubt and concerns to those unawares. If pratitioners are doing something wrong, of which they have been taught and not aware it is wrong, it is better for them to carry on as is because it is their affinity and perhaps, it is meant to be.
But the minute you tell them of the consequences, it becomes your responsibility to teach and inform because if you know it is wrong and did not correct it, the consequences is on you.
You have given many examples about academy, some master's teachings and how bad they have been and so on. What have you to offer that is better than what is currently being offered? Talk more about you, your lineage, what you know truly know and not some theory that can be debated till kingdom come and still no conclusion. Show us the 100 times fold retribution as you have experienced.
Hello Anonymous,
First and foremost, it is meant for the layman and the initiated. It is for the initiated public, just liked you do. Reading in between the lines had been a norm in Chinese Metaphysics, so no excuse. More often then not it is for me to know, for you to find out. This is called provocateur.
I think I had explained quite enough to bring to the attentions of the situation at hand. It will have to wait for the right affinity and time for actions to be taken. If you are scared enough, just don't play with fire. In actual fact, genuine metaphysicists knew well all along, it is not a secret, it is only the commercialised academies couldn't be concerned.
Well, the point is simple, the cup that has been emptied will need to be filled. Short sweet and simple.
My offer is to first understand the non-Dao, which is YOU. Then to understand the Dao, which is Heaven. Then to named the myriad things. Understand? I hope so.
Well, all the best.
Dear Mr Yek
"casually use of the art of Yi will retribution 100 times fold"
(what is casual use?)
"There are 3 major don'ts and a list of precepts to be undertaken."
Would you mind elaborating? Thank you.
Hi C,
Casual use means any form of usage with the intention of - just for the fun of it, liked pary tricks to impress someone...
Sorry, I cannot disclose the precepts and the do and don't. Maybe next time.
Dear Mr Yek
Thanks for clarifying.
So.. such arts are only used for the purpose to improving lives.
I got to stifle my curiosity. =)
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