Year back when we observed the fallacy of FlyingStar be it reformed or otherwise, when an observation was put up to compare 2 eatery shops side by side having the same facing and sitting. See Bright Hall - A Case Between Two Restaurants. The chicken rise shop is making good business while the other shop with all sorts of new age “voodoo” FengShui has to close down and change name to a Thai restaurant. Yet, until today, business is far from satisfactory.
In the same vicinity, one street has been transformed into Dessert Street selling all kinds of Taiwanese Desserts and delicacies. Of all the 8 shops, 2 stood out to be making money with patron queuing up just to get a seat. Unlike the earlier case, these outlets are entirely opposite each other, thus they have the opposite sitting and facing.
Assuming that the theory of FlyingStar be it reformed or otherwise, holds water, one successful shop would have capitalized on the prosperous facing or sitting while the other don’t. Yet, both are equivalent successful. So, it draws down to one conclusion. It is not about sitting and facing. FlyingStar be it reformed or otherwise doesn’t work!
Instead of learning FlyingStar in whatever forms which sound bombastic that sounds good only in theory and awkward in application, FengShui lessons should start from the groundwork of observing YinYang, stipulated by Entering Earth Eye 入地眼. Forget about the other dimensions such as “voodoo” and understand well the working mechanism of the 5 elements, for whichever moves, one will be stationary.
Want to know more?
Dear David,
I read about your blogspot and sometimes it's connect to fengshui quanyuan blogspot/cases.
But I can't enter the blogspot because it's for invitation only.
May I enter your fengshui quanyuan blogspot/cases to read more about cases you wrote?
Thank you
hi david
理气 (flying stars) must go with 形峦. You may like to help to complete the picture just by showing the left dragon and right tiger. Dun make flying stars the culprit so fast :) There are many more layers in flying stars then what we saw in the market today.
Zi Bai Jue, Fei Xing Fu, Xuan Ji Fu were not written for fun.
Tilting door usually is a last resort, a corrective act. If you have a chance to design the shop layout upfront, one does not need to tilt door.
Hi Agus,
Sorry dear, currently the Case Study folder is not open for public and reserves for QuanYuan's student.
Hi Jo,
Nice of you to drop by. 理气 (flying stars) must go with 形峦 is undeniable. However, 理气 does not necessary tells the truth. BTW, 理气 does not necessary means Flying Star as well.
Okay, no offense, no intention to belittle Flying Star. My point is simple if Flying Star works it must already working for both cases. Yet, empirical data shows otherwise.
Next, embrace in a typical shop office, how much relevance especially when both shops are opposite each other as your white tiger is my green dragon?
In my records, Zi BaiJue is not Flying Star. Xuan JiFu talks more about BaZhai then star conjunctions. Fei XingFu is more of LiuYao then anything else. So these classics may not necessary talking about Flying Star. So I agree, they were not written for fun.
Just liked what you had stipulated earlier which kept me thinking, 理气 must go with 形峦, how would door tilting rectify a structural flaw?
Anyway, it is always my pleasure of discussing some heavyweight questions with you.
Looking forward... always.
hi david
Ya, Li Qi is not necessary just abt flying stars. But in this context the topic talks about flying stars. The entire system does rely on such classics although zi bai jue can be applied as an additional dimension.
You do not subscribe to door tilting is fine. Because there are many school of thoughts out there.
Do not ostracise flying stars first...while it looks like all beginners start with this system, it can be more than that. Don't forget what i mentioned to u before, it can be all over the bookshelves today but how many can achieve the 意境 ...:)
Hi Jo,
Noted that you are agreeable that FlyingStar is not only the LiQi available. Similarly so, in this context, I am putting forward a hypothesis based on the similar notion of the so called common FlyingStar methodology which is strongly annexed to facing and sitting. How would it possible to fall within the so called timely structure when:
1. Same sitting facing. One prosper while the other don't.
2. Opposite sitting facing. Both prospers but only 2 out of 8 shops selling the similar item.
In short, I am stressing that these classics are interpreted to the whim and fancy as deemed "appropriate", that is the reason there are so many school of thought. However, the only validation is case study. If it works, it must work many times over. There cannot be vague double standards. I am not ostracizing FlyingStar, I am just putting a case forward for FlyingStar practitioner liked you do, to proof me wrong.
BTW, Purple White Script is a fragmented script, stand alone technique which many mistook it as FlyingStar, thanks to Shen Si XuanKong Xue.
Just some explanation as I thought you may have knew. Anyway, nice discussion.
thanks. In many of my case studies, i see it for myself that 2 houses or apartments (eg me and my neighbour) can have different flying star charts event though we face the same way. Why? This is due to the way we take the reading for facing and sitting direction off our luo pan. Plus internally, the qi distribution could be different from shop to shop. So, i am curious to check your cases if i got chance to go M'sia. Good research experience.
Yes zhi bai can be stand alone because i have learnt the entire system. I know some use it as their one and only method for fengshui for all houses. You can also couple it with flying stars. It is not exactly the flying stars we know per se, but it has connection.
Flying star is not perfect and has its flaw. But it has its consistency if one gets the facing reading right.
Anyway treat this as a healthy discussion. Nothing wrong to have differing opinions.
Xuan Kong Fei Xing (XK Flying Stars) is only the Yong (application). Da Gua is the body. Without proper body, application will not work. In Da Gua, there is importance of direction of the entrance.
Besides, Flying Star charts even with opposite facing sides both can have the prevalent qi on the entrance. Time and Space are both important!
Hi Anonymous - 1,
From your explanation, is common for some school to equate LiPan with GePan. However, they are actually different species all together. One will need to know when to GePan and how to go about it. Yet, it does not necessary means Facing and Sitting. So, from your description, I understand well where you are coming from. So, I am not really going to debate upon it, but to recognize that there are different approaches. Thus, in your context, yes, there will be different chart for the same sitting and facing. However, this is also not the point, because Flying Star is concerned about LiPan. That is the reason they use sitting and facing stars instead of other things.
Internal Qi distribution or sometimes called internal structures for both the successful shops are the same. That is why they are successful compared to the rest of the 6 shops.
You are most welcome to visit Malaysia. Drop me a call if you intended to visit.
By the way, from your feedback, you are a fellow researcher and practitioner. Appreciate if you could drop me your name via email, so that we can address each other in a courteous gentleman manner then hiding in the veil of anonymity.
Hi Anonymous - 2,
Yes, I have heard that FeiXing is the Application and DaGua is the Principle, from one school. It is very obvious because the fundamental of FeiXing is later heaven while DaGua is early heaven. They have different fundamentals.
However, do not be misled. This shops many not necessary have main doors, so the direction of entrance may not be well defined also. Well, you may also say that, the virtual door may exist between the openings, yet I am a little skeptical to take reading to less then a degree accuracy.
Anyway, that will be discussion for some other time.
Hi David
Hope you and Ng are fine and busy!
Saw on your blog that you keep on throwing dynamite here & there! This time on Fei Xing ! exploding fei xing are called fireworks!
Wonder if in the end, you will be left with only yin/yang, luan tou & date selection! Then you will not have much left to challenge and what then? Walk in the Dao !
This summer, amidst transformations in our house I had three cases of people having great changes in their lives - with divorces or death going on with larges building works in front of their houses, whatever location or direction.
Moving the earth moves people , in one case close to the place where
the gestapo was torturing people in underground cells, these works sort of made the old "memories" distillated through walls of a quite yin office.... I had a heavy day getting the place cleaned. As it is a record company, specialized in jazz i used a music piece of theirs -
"tainted" with solar , compassion & oblivion to counter the old stuff: sort of finding the precise wavelength that would counter and dephase the other vibrations: more voodoo than classical feng shui as you would say but it worked. Qi cures Qi .
In another place i cleaned with burning a special strong sage....
Perhaps ,some day, i will try little plastic dragons? ( If so, i
promise hereby never to tell I studied with you!)
Otherwise i had a very powerful experience in the large old famous
church i sometimes told you about:
sacred singings performed by a renowned master of the art:very old gregorian singing, almost forgotten now by 99% of people, closer to tibetans mantras than you would think...
He is former mathematician who studied the proportions of the buildings and attunes his singing to the natural musical scale inscribed in the building through its proportion by the master builder 800 years ago.
this one old thin man with just his own voice without any mike or
ampsent the whole building ( 80meters long, 16 wide, 30 height , thousands of tons of stone) vibrating like a lute with harmonics resounding long after he had ceased to sing himself!
breath taking experience: the extreme point of the art also consist with attunning the building in its dimension to the Qi so it works as an amp. One week later a concert given by an choir and orchestra with rows of amps and loudspeakers gave a tepid flat sound unmoving ....even if it was sacred music( Mozart) the contrast, unwilling, is a lesson in itself!
indeed Qi must be considered in volume ! and two dimensional plans or projects leave aside the life.
Cheers and my best thoughts for you and Ng
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