Monday, March 2, 2009

From The Wheel To The Merlion, What Next?

It was reported in the Strait Times: -

“A lightning bolt struck the Merlion statue at about 4.30pm yesterday. The national icon at One Fullerton facing the Singapore River lost part of its top left mane and is believed to have its right ear chipped…”

Strike by a lightning is usually symptomatically related to spiritual stuff and brings about a negative connotation, in this stature, a warning. If a question is asked what it portends, let just visualized Lightning or Thunder (Zhen) striking the ears of the Merlion (Xun).

We knew that Zhen and Xun complement each other in an Early Heaven arrangement, it has a benevolent gesture. First of all Merlion iconize Singapore, more then not it iconize tourism Singapore, first thing to be affected in this current economic crisis and no one listen. The government is seen to voice its concern but steps taken are not up to the mark. If the service industry goes down, then Singapore on a whole will go down as well. It happens at 4:30pm, SHEN hour, Qian, the head of the tourism promotion board will have to go first or something similar may take place.

壬 甲 丙 己
申 辰 寅 丑

On the stem, Jia is the Merlion, facing Ren, the sea, having his head expose to Bing, the lightning originating from Ji, mother earth. Very interesting at a glance. I will not want to read more as the interesting stuffs are hidden in the branches.

Let’s check it out yourself.


Anonymous said...

David, I like this analysis of yours. Its good. I agree with the points your mentioned.
In all my years studying and practicing Metaphysics, I had never seen a place struck by lightning ever come out good. The effects are always negative. Residence struck by lightning can either bring strange undiagnosable and/or terminal illness to the occupants, or the house owner goes broke. This, in my experience happens 10 times out of 10. Maybe others have a different experience that he can share.
In the case of Singapore, by looking at the chart of the day of lightning strike, I would say the few types of industries to suffer would be its tourism and transport industry. First clue is the strike was on the Merlion which is the symbol of Singapore's tourism industry. Second clue is shown in the hour branch.




Yup, you were right to say that when a place is stoke by lightning, it is sheer bad luck. I too had came across such case. A millionaire house strike by lightning twice, bankrupt twice and yet finally turn out alright. He is now one of my bosses!

Anonymous said...

hello David

Thanks for your answer. You are talking of my group but I feel i do not belong to any group for the moment apart the group of people who learn through your blog, among other ways. it is quite impossible to discuss fundamentals here for followers of the one you call Master Trainer have chosen blind faith for last stand in discussing things!

About stems and branches this is what i found through searches in chinese studies from westerner clerks

branches are developed on the number 12, 2x 6 which is related to heaven in all classics while stems are being based on 5 or 10 which are man number ( 5 fingers > base 10 to count) in all classics too for some scholars naming heavenly the 10 stems and earthly the 12 branches is the result of a volunteer approach to mix the two systems whic are much more ancient than feng shui formulas.this has been the lot of every civilisation when passing from a dominant lunar approach to solar. On the early shih pan , stems are related to the square plate and the joint with the outer 12 branches is done by repeating the two earth stems on the corners. later the problem of mingling two systems with one base 6 or 12 more likely and 10 was solved with sending the two earth stems in the center which would leave only 8 stems to match with twelve branches. This would be relevant with:- earth being thecentral element - branches containing hidden stems which are related to man. this historical note does not go against the established relation of stems to heaven and the implications of so being "given" and "above" it is only that through history and the way things were built you may get a better and deeper understanding.

Just like in architecture.... take care.

i have learned what a Merlion is which sounds somehow quite french for mer is sea and lion is lion!


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