Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Case Study of The Water Mouth - Part 2

1st principle, enter mountain look for water mouth, WM at Xun/Si (Extinct), Water Frame Structure of Shen, Zi, Chen (Kun, Ren Yi). Left turning, having incoming water from Kun/Shen (Birth) and Geng/You (Bath), meets at bright hall towards the right side of the Semi D. Water conforms to the 4 Major water mouth stucture, with proper incoming (military arts) and exit (rewards). The quality of the bright hall is slightly off, lack of bracing with a bunglow that acted as the table mountain, leaking QI.

2nd principle, establishing facing, siting Ding Chou (Water), facing double mountain Ding/Wei (nurture), also correspond to the water structure. Could not established the spot and the incoming dragon. Assuming it is conform to the dragon and water principle, with the water sitting in the water frame structure, the house is able to tap into the water frame QI.

However, this house sits on a water structure with water exiting to Xun Si direction which is good. The incoming Kun Shen water is actually a good water, however, it's hitting directly into the Ren Zi sector of the External Ming Tang which happens to be a prosperous sector. 2004 Shen year activated the San He, Shen Zi Chen, and caused financial problem to the previous owner with Shen YOB.

Furthermore, the health problem of the present owner was also due to the Kun Shen water hitting the Ren Zi sector of the External Ming Tang. Ren Zi is part of Kan Gua. Cervical cord and urinary track are both of water element and can be considered as part of Kan Gua. Hence, we can expect problem relating to Kan Gua at certain point in time. According to a Yi Jing book by a famous Taiwanese master, both neck and kidney can be considered as part of Xu DiZhi. 2006 was Xu year while Sep'06 was Xu month and Nov'06 was Zi month. Pls remember that there was an extra 7th month in 2007. Hence, Sep'06 activated the neck problem while Nov'06 activated the renal problem.

Xuan Kong answer will be in installation 3...

Ar. David Yek Tak Wai


Anonymous said...

Case study of the water mouth - part 2: Thank you for all the information you share in those interesting case studies. Reading the san he analysis you made, I wondered if there was anything that could match just using the flying star approach. Out of curiosity, I had a look and one could advance the following:

o Present owner’s health trouble

§ the owner bedroom spreads over the whole front which means that in for the whole of 2006 year it hosts the yearly 9 star that has an inflammatory nature. The door to the master bedroom is most likely facing NE, hence for the whole year the yearly 6 star enters into the room and mixes together with the 9 yearly star. Detrimental effect to be expect for the eldest man in the family, the father, etc. Could also relate I suppose to areas related to gua 6, head and neck are likely candidates.

§ To add to this, in the month of september 2006, the monthly 2 star joins through the door (if door facing NE).

§ Interesting to note that this year the qian palace hosts the yearly 6 and this month also “welcomes” monthly 9 star.

§ Kidney stone in November, the northern palace host yearly star 8 which I think is an indication clear enough that there might be trauma in that area, especially since the owner already sleeps in a room that has major earth influence (5-8 stars). In october, there is more earth in the northern palace since monthly 2 transits there. In November, monthly 1 star hits the palace and get hit back…

o Previous owner’s financial trouble: date given is 2004, that’s the transition date from period 7 to period 8. Hard to miss the fact that the house has double 7 at facing and that those stars are predominant in the owner’s bedroom upstairs. If we go by the rule that 7 star is only wang qi during period 7, that’s not very auspicious. I’m not sure if this rule is to be regarded as absolute as I have witnessed that some places with a prominent facing 7 star still do well in environments that are not so outstanding otherwise. If we go by this rule anyway, the weakening 7 facing star is further weakened that year through the yearly 2 at the front. Also the outside road from geng you “carries” upfront more 7 gua qi.


Most of the method I wrote, is able to do predictions, as these are stand alone techniques. The problem is, your teacher may not have mentioned it. Flying Star at best is just good for divination. It is non-applicable.


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