We, the Malaysian celebrated our 52nd Anniversary of National Day on 31 August 1957. So much hypes and chants had been heard on the notion of 1 Malaysia from the main stream media. Gone are the days of Malaysia Boleh, Malaysia Bersatu and so forth. The current in things is ONE MALAYSIA. Deep in our souls, what sort of imagery would have been revealed when one think of ONE Malaysia? Would it be Rakyat Di Dahulukan, Prestasi Di Utamakan (People first, Prestation precedes)?
... Or it is just another slogan meant to be forgotten?
... Yet, ONE truly lovable Malaysian, who was called to her creator, Yasmin Ahmad is indeed, one to be remember for what she did then who she was. This is the personification of the National Day, if I must said and this is what she was meant to be remembered.
... Similar to her works in SEPET. The good and the true lovable one does not live long. Perhaps the Creator loves her more then any mortals here on earth.
... Or even after 52 years of independence we have yet to learn to live liked a ONE nation without UMNO, MCA and MIC aliked? Without race, religion, quotas and skin colors profiling? Or should we constantly be reminded of who we were while eating Hamburgers with Chopsticks?
... Yes, hamburgers and chopsticks, another form of liberalization? Think again.
... Last words:- Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!
... Yasmin, you have found your independence... at last, Al Fatihah...