Obama versus Osama - one the victor the other the looser. No one really says when and where Osama is hiding. After his death, everyone writes about the wind of change. Did Osama’s FengShui really the bad after all? However, the bigger storm is brewing – take shelter everyone.
KiaSuland General Election where everyone predicted Old Guard will be given another lease of mandate. The twist is that the oppositions are also given more voices. Another wind of change due to the period 8? We see veteran politician gives way to Sweet Young Things, not even XiaXue with her whimsical charm managed to salvage. Gen Gua refers to the youngest male, what has it got to do with the Sweet Young Things? On a personal note, she wrote a wonderful piece of article about the patriarch of Kiasuland, something I cannot find of equivalent here in Bolehland, not even in the darkest shit hole.
After Sarawak polls and Singapore GE, Bolehland Inc. has to succumb to their natural classic antics of garnishing stale plate. After SoilLeg’s porn, now showing Anu-Ar’s porn, jointly produced by former cronies of the Bolehland Inc. Adding to the bandwagon, the Bolehland Inc’s publishing arm featured a possible takeover by the people of the Cross. Another wind of change, the victim is summoned and the culprit is free. More so is the people of Bolehland are paying high prices to sustain the lifestyle of Bolehland Inc. Warrant a change?
Once, the FengShui community has been bombarded with The YangGong old style brought from the cradle of FengShui. Hail the Messiah of YangGong. Even the Bolehland Grandmaster and the SanSha junkies went to “kowtow” to him! Suddenly, wind of change takes place. The eldest lot of his students parted ways, follow by his Guru, which lead to series of unpleasant exchange. My question of ignorant – is this caused by FengShui wind of change or just plain bad luck?
Recently, something new occurred. XieZiFa is up for grab AGAIN. Intentionally call it bastardizing XieZi before as many claimed to have knowledge about an undisclosed indoor lineage method based solely on a book, published? Very avant-garde idea indeed! It must be another wind of change.
The only wind of change I know of is…
If Bolehland’s river remains filthy, dishonesty will remains, double standards will prevailed and there will be more incapable men doing important decisions. If Bolehland’s mountain remains hollow, lives will be even more difficult, young capable graduates are not able to even buy their very first house let alone build their very first home, prices of necessities and inflation will rise and the middle income group will depletes, more brain drains across the causeway benefitting Kiasuland. If causeway remains, Kiasuland will always be better than Bolehland. Need a wind of change?