Tuesday, June 14, 2011

XieZi of SamPoh Temple

Chance upon SamPoh Buddhist Temple, Cameron Highland, and melting pot of XieZi Monks. Thought to have been famous for Tilting Door, observed in Bright Hill, Singapore, but not likely to be seen. Just a point to ponder, that if these masters may have been from the same lineage, wouldn’t their Door Tilting signature moves are the same? 

Any tourist blog may indicate that The SamPoh Temple was built in 1972 and is said to be the 4th largest Buddhist temple in Malaysia, but we believed it would have been built much earlier back in the fifties. A major renovation may have taken place in 1972 and that explained the two entrances, one at Shen (southwest) and the other at You (west). Western entrance is the one that is often used. Another hint of Flying Star technique in used?

The entire complex sitting east facing west, conforming to the orientation of a Buddhist Temple faces Western Paradise. Close investigation revealed, sitting small DE between Mao and Jia with water exiting Hai. One question, why Emptiness line?

Say whatever it may be, the landform nestled in the arm chair formations, receiving the spur off vein in Mao, already good enough to make things work! No need tilted door, huh?

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