Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Re-Publika Manifesto-3

West entrance contains the signature archway cure, which is one celebrated method innovated to give an extra edge to XuanKong DaGua landform as was told, apparently inspired by the Chinese Archways Pass, which is already a very common method in the Chinese Civilization. The western Urban Designer called it Gateways, which denotes the entrance and exit of a city. Having such, all the internal doors are unified by this grand archway and it becomes the primary Qi mouth. Logically it may sound, but I have a different opinion to it.

To understand the intricate set up of the west entrance, one has to understand that it is receiving Yin structure, very unsentimental. So naturally a twisted archway is called for be it aligned to a particular DaGua is subject to further scrutiny. Yet, it is a pure landform solution to a landform problem.

Hill likes landscapes or nicknamed "ToFu", as was told to me, replicates the JuMen mountain at the rear. The fact is it is no more then to create cascading water effects to slow down Qi, nothing complicated whatsoever. There is also the drain to be addressed but that is another tale for another time.

To be continued...

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