Saturday, November 3, 2012

Who is Yang JungSong 楊筠松?

There are 2 versions to the History of Great Grandmaster Yang JungSong. 

The first version as most of us were told, the Great Grandmaster Yang JungSong, the official historical logbook 《南安府志》 reads: “Yang JungSong 楊筠松, citizen of Dou Zhou 竇州, was an officer during the reign of Xi Zhong 僖宗. He was in charge of Spiritual and Feng Shui Affairs. He reached the highest position of Golden Purple Light Prosperity Minister 金紫光祿大夫. When rebels headed by Huang Cao 黃巢 broke into the capital city, he cut short his hair and fled to Mount Kunlun 昆侖山." 

The second version as rarely known, the Great Grandmaster Yang JungSong was never be found in the official historical records of the Historian. There was however, a very small position held by him as a prison warden. Fate has brought him to encounter a prisoner who is a well versed FengShui master. In an attempt to help this prisoner to escape, he was taught YuHan Jing. The Great Grandmaster Yang JungSong, as the warden, later shown a partly decomposed corpse to the Emperor, convincing his majesty that the deceased is indeed the FengShui master that has been condemned to death. Predicting that his deception may not last forever, he took an incident in the palace to flee to FuJian. 

Which one is the reliable version?

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