The nature of Blog writing is to reveal to the internet communities of the matter in one’s own thought, just liked an open diary. Occasionally the ideas that had been put forward are fictional, factual and sometimes misleading. Since it is open for all, it means only for sharing and not for abuse. As a Chinese Metaphysics Practitioner, I believed in what is said to be of a Karmic debt. One could add on, comment and elaborate on any ideas made available on Blogs, without the necessity to quote the original author. Even so, it will be a gesture of courtesy and goodwill to at least quote from where the original essays are from such as and so forth. It is deemed that the Karmic debt has been repaid in a form of additional information made available for the public to view, building up from the original idea.
From the numerous responses under a pseudonym, it came to me that this person was trying hard to make an effort to advertize himself as a Master Practitioner of Bazi, after being granted a diploma from yet another school of Chinese Metaphysics in 2008. As I had met many others whom had years of experiences in this art, the essence of Bazi readings stem from one’s own principle and integrity. In fact, I had encountered and recorded instances of Bazi reading that has resulted in the client first being Con, then being Insulted, notably there is where the root word of to “con-sult” is derived from. This is reflected in my blog titled “Taken For a Ride Lately dated 23rd September 2007”. Again, would one seek after such a person for Bazi consultation knowing what his integrity is?
It will be fruitful for the person in question to seek the essence of Dao and De, before embarking in the never ending journey of Chinese metaphysics.
Ar. David Yek Tak Wai
I'm one of your fans.. having learnt alot from your experience and
After reading your blog 'Stock Load and Barrel', I really feel very ashame
of myself. I should have seek your permission in the 1st place before using
your articles at wofs website forum.
It never occur to me that I need to make reference for such incidents. At
that point of posting my comments, it's purely 'out of convenience' that I
cut and paste from yours and JY website. I swear that I've never thought of
plagiarizing your masterpiece.
The moment somebody (at wofs forum) highlighted that those are not my own
words, I admitted without having second thought.. and had promised those
forumers that I'll make a reference in future.
I sincerely apologise again and again.. really hope that I can seek your
I don't mean to bring shame to Chinese Metaphysics. I'll strive to be as
knowledgeable and having as much integrity as you.
Once again.. sorry..
OK, apology accepted.
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