Monday, November 3, 2008

In Muddy Water

Mr. Ji is strong. The outlook seems weak, easily to be influence, but he has his principle, difficult to be shaken. Indeed change is not possible, once he has make up his mind. His leadership is only seen but not within, meaning he may not actually have his influence over his own party members. However, for the luck he is undergoing, that is good enough to put him to the position he is eyeing for. Therefore, if change is the objective, it is deemed not that difficult after all. The luck pillar is on his side, comes WuZi year, his competition is stiff but unseen, he is actually building up wealth instead which is good for him. Comes election on the WuShen (Earth) day and RenXu (End of Autumn) month, it could be well a strong earth day, not entirely favorable.

Mr. Gui is weak. The outlook seems to be a person going after power and money, fits well in the context of country first. When the country is said, it means corporation yielded on capitalism and might, something that Mr Ji wanted to change. He has a better chance of surviving as a president for the country as compared to the Mr Ji. You cannot have a nice guy to run a country contrary to its own believes. His luck is not by his side. Comes WuZi year, his authority is put to the test and if he knows how to use it to his benefits, he may win the race, unseen he is building up wealth as well. Comes a strong earth day, it could well benefit him.

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