Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Guilt Of A Practitioner

A fellow practitioner was feeling guilty over a wrong prescription based on the BaZi chart to prescribe a KanYu solution, where the mistake was in the pm and am of the hour pillar. While in discussion, I found it a good lesson to be remembered and hence, I decided to re account the discussion over this weblog for the benefits of the many: -

The practitioner recollected, "Initail study of my client's whole family BaZi charts, I could see one of them have health problems. A fire deficiency illness. They confirmed my findings. I could detailed out her relapse dates within that month. I did a general auditing & cures with only BaZhai and XuanKong FengShui. I watch the external forms , do water route analysis, suggested their daily path of travel.

I use 命理派 theory to do specific cure for the sick person, after considering the side effects to the other occupant is quite within safety & discussion with my client. I put symbolic cure at 3 of the Easts sector to trigger wood to balance her chart. Inform him to feedback quickly if he see abnormality.

I call back regularly to check & gather feedback. But on Jia Zi month 2008 water was strong double Zi..but there is a usable heavenly Jia to drain zi to feed & balance fire but her condition get worst instead. I am buzz why as wood won't work but worsen the condition..

While I was craking my head to wonder why & double check? the next day my client called & informed me I got the birth time wrong, should be am..not pm instead.

I re-plot the BaZi chart & found that either in pm or am . the sickness will be still unavoidable..only the sector to do cure should be East

My apology to him didn't reduce my guilt. The old cure has been altered slight improvement.

Sometimes I tell myself should I chicken out if after reading The chart of whole family luck are going south.... But I love challenge it is in my QiSha blood

Painful lesson and lost my credibility..."

Based the principle of the SanYuan leaning star, I responded to him as the followings: -

"Just divination only....

The manifestation may have been a fire element deficiency, but the source is a 4-7 problems, notably what they termed pen knife cutting twigs, very fragile and at any one time may break. The funny thing is, 9 fire is the hidden element. I would say is the problem. That is why when wood is introduce it just aggrevated the whole situation. Next, 6-9, with hidden 2. This is where you want to introduce metal 6 with the fire 9 still burning, resulting in the hidden 2 earth at a metal 6 palace. No doubt that the year is supportive of the Qian palace, wouldn't it be over supply of metal would bring about other things as well?

When JiaZi comes in, wood sitting on resources, will fuel the fire even stronger. If it is in the East sector, with 3-6 dead wood in hidden 8, if portends that dead dry wood from the entire dry mountain will even fuel the fire better. Not promising. It is a Gen gua anyway.

Kan sector, water with the annual 6 metal producing in would have been better, sentimental. Caveat too much water may again pose other problems.

Do not know his life Gua, cannot suggest cure. "

He replied, " You very profound .. are u using 翻卦
Her Gua is got it...
I am amazed by your ability.
I will heed your advice,
Thank you."

In summary, it reminded me the notion, is BaZi as dianogsis as important as FengShui for prescription? I would say yes indeed, however, it will be dangerous when the BaZi was decipher or plotted wrongly. However the question is when Yi Gua method is employed, both fused together beyond BaZhai, XuanKong FeiXing or others, no more sitting and no more facing. Neither has the facing, period or sitting star any importance. There is only KanYu. Pure affinity. It is this affinity that will put the practitioner beyond guilt.

Such account, stress more reasons that a practiotioner must be initiated to the path of Dao, before practiticing the arts, so to be protected by the arts. Do you think so?

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