A few months back, I was mesmerised by a technique called YangGong GuFa methods that could cure the sick, make one opportunity and improve grades. Someone from my profession was to embark into a new venture to Dubai for a massive project. He had spent a great fortune to join in the bandwagon looking into the middle east. That was the time when no one yet knew what comes next, but a whole series of exitement in the Middle East. He loops himself as a party to a local consortium venturing to Dubai and he was extremely cautious that such venture must succeed that he sought helps from various FengShui masters, me inclusive.
I did a recommendation for him and he implemented the recommendations as in accordance to the old method. Alas, everything should have been on track, but the results were reversed! Yes, he was "disqualified" from the bandwagon to Dubai! He was so upset that he refuse to even talk to me. So, in real life, it is not as easy as we go back to fix a problem. Some times, there is no opportunity to even go back. This event has cast many doubts for myself as to the potency of this method to a degree that I even question, has my teacher held something back, not revealing to his student? But I must admit, it could be just my fault as well, for some times, it it just so lame easy to accuse others for our own short falls.
Strange enough, another YangGong practitioners knock on my door and showed me the path as I had written in http://yifengshui.blogspot.com/2009/03/meeting-yanggong.html. I went back silently to check and re-check and re-check, yet nothing was amicably wrong. At this time, we knew that something wasn't quite right with the middle east. The world economy went awry and all the sudden, there was a standstill in Dubai. The bandwagon which has embarked on the middle east looking trip went into serious problems with strings of litigations to come.
I receive a call from this guy, who refuse, to call me earlier. He brought along a hamper of "New Moon" abalones to meet me and I am at total lost, one being honestly disgrace of what I had done to him and the other being happy that he is in talking term with me. He told me that he was lucky not to be on board the bandwagon and he asked had I knew it in the first instance?
Honestly speaking, I felt a chill down my spinal cord as I do not know how to answer him. All I can say it was just Heaven's will. Feeling strange, I went to the Buddhist Temple to seek some form enlightenment, there a notable Ajahn (means teacher in Thai) was delivering a sermon.
As I recalled he said, "... During a time of Buddha's previous life (Jataka), he was born as an advisor to a King who loves to hunt. Being a King on a hunting tour, the king was accompanied by a huge companies of ministers which included he himself. As the King about to launch an arrow to his targetted deer, a spark of events occured that surprised the King, making him loose sight of the target and launching the arrow right directly upon his left foot. The King screamed in pain and in anger seek an anwer out from his advisor. The advisor has only this to say, it has its reason for such accident to occur. What? Said the King in anger. Feeling insulted by the words of his advisor, he commanded his army to put his advisor in prison for good. Then some "smart" minister advised the King to seek out the medicine man. In order to reach the medicine man, the contingent will have to cross the territory of the cannibals. True enough the entire contingent was cannibalised except for the King as he has infected foot due to his injury. The cannibals seem to not cannibalise unclean people and the King was set free. The majesty went back and seek the prisoned advisor out and asked, so is this the reason your are telling me? In response he said, no, I said it is for a reason so that I will be kept in the prison and not following your contingent, otherwise I would have been cannibalised!"
Feeling a sense of Deja Vu, I comforted myself as to the turns of events and instead of felling a fear in the method, I investigated even more. So, it is good some times, we do not expect things to turn out the way we thought it would be as there is always a blessing in disguise. So, next time, when an opportunity arised, just remember, we are just mortals and just don't play GOD.
This is true. One thing that my old mentor in the more "esoteric" arts told me is that our place is to influence, to move just so, to adjust. It is not our place to command.
Hi Prozac,
Well said.
Coincidentally, my friend of BaZiDiary at bazidiary.com also echo the same. Do we call this affinity and meaningful coincident?
Warm wishes
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