Saturday, October 9, 2010

Life Is Liked A Box Of Chocolate

Life is liked a box of chocolate - Forrest Gump's favorite words. You will never know what you will get inside. Same like blogging anything about FengShui. You ought to cross swords with other practitioners. Unless you write something extremely mundane. I don't mind if such blog is subjected to criticism and praise as it is just usual norm of life, you get the sunlight, it comes with the shadow. Unfortunately, some did not take it too well and resulted in personal insult. I believed he did not even spell my name correctly. When I Google, it takes me to someone else. My apology to Davidyi. His blog is HERE. Apparently, soon to be master has taken a damn good effort in writing a piece of blog entry about me as he is struggling to make an essay as insulting as possible. For someone who has no English background, writing an essay of that long is a mammoth task. As I can see it has been redrafted many times over and over again, well just to piss me off. But I am saying thank you to him both in my blog and my postscripts. There is no hatred whatsoever. It is all about bastardizing FengShui to the next level. Also, he has unconsciously raked my traffics higher. No matter how it looks, I have to thank him.

In the process of his insult, I have indirectly, may caused "troubled" to people who was in my company of associates, friends, masters and teachers. I have painted such a bad relationships with my teacher such as V and perhaps JY in my blog. Some called this the act of betrayal. In my blog there was never mentioned of my teacher. The reason is simple. There is no point in capitalizing in the good name of the students. Same should also apply of not capitalizing on the good name of one's master. One has to gain the respect based on the good use of knowledge for the benefits of mankind. Through the ardent effort of bringing someone down, he has done his homework, tracing all possible means from web site to web site just to see who I learnt from. An old photo in and possible in the academy, just is good enough to nail me down. Yet, it is of no use. He is just pressuring me to tell my side of the story.

Here it goes?

A notable master did said, whatever written in others' blogs, is not master minded by me. It is the freewill of the blogger. I respected him for such courage. At least I know he is different from the academy pedigree of Master and Slave relationship. Unfortunately, a series of events that occurs within our own group has always left me a scar of which I had given many thoughts about it. Since there is always a force of not allowing me to be associated with him better, I may as well not associated with him at all. So, there is where all the so called betrayal starts to take place. I like the fact, Buwei was telling me in the commentary. A good laugh! So the sauces of all things blatantly awful were boiling-ly rendered in my blog. So, there is always a betrayal plot and poor fellow soon actually buys it! Asked miss Foo, how many times she rang me up just to remind me of my boundary? The last conversation with her through the phone was the use of the families' names which I respected. More importantly was a kind gesture of congratulating us of forming QuanYuan. How bad can our relationship be? Now, since the notable master is no longer attached to the First Principle, the call just dropped short there. Has this also got to do with my master? Because this was not written in my blog, doesn't mean it never happens. Just I am not obliged to say it all. My friends and I actually made a "pilgrimage" to seek him out in his new office and many thanks to our good buddy for his kind arrangement. I did BLOG it out, although not in detail. A good and ethical master doesn't need his student to polish his shoe. One should be ashamed of oneself if one is accompany by shoe polisher. Do you want to have such as your student?

Take a GOOD look back with JY. I have been telling the same thing again and again, I am not against JY or anybody in person. If you take a closer look at my provocateur it is always targeted to the system in a common term academy. If the academy is a blood sucker and the head of the academy is so and so, will that make him a blood sucker also? That depends on your onwards interpretation. It is not me to tell, it is you to define. I was once a student of the system; does that also make me a blood sucker? So, my provocateurs are definite to the system, not the person. More importantly, one must ask is JY my master? Does he teach in the first instance? Come on, my primary teacher teaches better than him. He is indeed a good public speaker but that doesn't mean he is a good teacher. He is never my master for goodness sake. Check your homework! The Diploma awarded with the clown attire is just part and parcel of a joke within a system. That I laughed wholeheartedly with my friend from Paris. If JY is never my master, what is freaking wrong of "betraying" the system? I believed there is nothing much to be talked about me in a manner of character assassination. It is all blatant LIE ! Now that I have emptied myself with all the luggage and my procrastination of not disclosing my updates with my friends, associates, teachers and masters is a matter of the past, I thank you once again soon to be master of giving me such a wonderful opportunity. I have been long given a second chance and I am now giving to those who deserve it. Please turn over a new leaf. It will make a better person out of oneself. Not just FengShui.

Now, is a wonderful place to hang around for those who want knowledge as freebies. There is always plenty of newcomers and old folks that has been "kicked out". It is a public forum for goodness sake. The moderators had the obligations of putting things in order. That is their jobs and their rights. Like any people, they are also human being. Being humans they had their inclinations. Otherwise they are not normal people. Are you perfect in the first place? I took the pseudonym of Yifengshui to dwell in this realm of imperfection. Again, I stretched the limits as to see how long would I actually survive in that forum. Well blame it to the game show I watched, "Can I Survive The Japanese Game Show - MASHIDE!? I am not giving but yet dishing out part and parcels of my thought in my blog in a manner that I am stretching the policy of the forum a little too far. Just liked any masters with the exceptions of a few privileged one, I was banned. Reasons, for throwing brick to draw a jade, a term I borrowed from good old Master fengshuicrazee. I liked the joke, it is a good one. I deserved to be banned. Yet, did I cause so much damages to the forum that it will die its natural death just liked other forums, as delineated by another fellow, Swan? There is really no basis. It is just free will. Don't just capitalize anything to bring down others. It is just not as graceful liked a Swan.

To the fighting SanSha warriors, I bid you all the best. One student was nearly killed while exploring such technique. Why we know? It is because such student actually came to seek us out for second opinion and we were just gutsy enough to go for a try. For your information, one of my associates also shares the same fate. Go asked around your spies, they will tell you. Well, there is always a caveat, perhaps only you could do it better than others. If it is so successful, just do an academic forum, load up your facts and we will tell you our sides of the story. Unless, the objectives are solely for milking purposes then I rest my case.

Before I sign off, I must take this opportunity to thank my friends who has given me strength via emails and comments. I treasure your support. Although this is really not about a beauty contest it is just embarrassing. To my fellow critics, I must also thank you guys for reminding me of whom I am and the opportunity to empty my bellows. Such opportunity is priceless. It just reflects on how egoistic I am of not daring enough to confront my own devil which is residing in me. My apology to those who has indirectly being insulted in the fresco between soon to be master with Yifengshui.

Now, I am feeling much at ease, I am a little wiser. Thank you.


Anonymous said...


This Soon to be master really love his own student to polish his shoe, lift his ego, bang his pride and lick his back   but one thing for sure, he got no nuts at all to even mention your name in his blog.


Anonymous said...

This 5arts forum is a place of gossiping, talking about 'si fei'.


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