Some fancy soon to be master comes the way to tell you, "hey kid if you ask me to teach you XuanKong DaGua, my version, my answer is YES!!! Caveat, to a selected few who can afford my fee. If you ask me to teach you XieZi Fa, my answer is NO, because I really dunno any!!!". Extremely noble ways of bastardizing XieZi in a very poetic ways. Something I ought to learn.
Then it is even cooler...
With the arrival of Autumn, when all the sudden XuanKong FlyingStar nows become YiJing FlyingStar! Who actually coined the freaking terms called YiJing FlyingStar? The "Bang-Cock" master? It reminds me of someone actually offer a course in XuanKong Flying Fox, which ultimately die its natural death!!! Etremely creative ways of bastardizing FeiXing, the fourth wave, after XieZi, in a very IChing ways. Something I ought to explore.
With the arrival of Autumn, when all the sudden XuanKong FlyingStar nows become YiJing FlyingStar! Who actually coined the freaking terms called YiJing FlyingStar? The "Bang-Cock" master? It reminds me of someone actually offer a course in XuanKong Flying Fox, which ultimately die its natural death!!! Etremely creative ways of bastardizing FeiXing, the fourth wave, after XieZi, in a very IChing ways. Something I ought to explore.
Ok! no more rubbish, lets talk history. Before we dwell in XieZi, lets talk about XuanKong FeiXing or more commonly known as Flying Star and not Flying Fox. It is a rather modern invention of the late Master Shen JuReng, contemporary to the late Master Tan YangWu, who after a series of screwed up jobs using FeiXing denounced it for LiuFa or more commonly known as the 6th method. Unliked Shen JuReng, Tan YangWu was later blind and passed away in a miserable condition. Well, how good can LiuFa be? Well, that is something to ponder about and I am sure the CrazyHorse of FiveArts is going to like it.
Shen JuReng did not finish his investigation in FeiXing and we strongly believed he has no intention to publish his finding. The publishing of Master Shen's XuanKong School was carried out by his grandson instead. With such publications, it becomes a phenomenon in HongKong that classes were carried out and students of those days were some of the current so called grandmasters. Thanks to the availability of the internet, it was widely capitalized by a lady FengShui placebo expert, who mixed up along the ways that she believed FengShui is actually the creation of Tibet and Lhasa is the cradle of Chinese FengShui. Very unothordox thinking... double thumbs up, Lil! This is the first wave of bastardizing FeiXing.
One Architect cum FengShui teacher who is residing in the West actually capitalized it further. He cannot differentiate between Star and Form. He starts preaching Qing instead and make FeiXing sounds so romantic, student often mistaken it as Flying Love instead of Flying Star. Well, due cradit must also be given to him as he successfully turns his barn into a love nest with all the stars at correct palace. This is the second wave of bastardizing FeiXing.
On the other hand, in Boleh-land, at least two entrepreneurs capitalized FeiXing fusing XuanKong with western numerology. Modifying the so called numerology in the manner of an inverted triangle to obtain the necessary Gua numbers. Matching the Qi location based on the LoShu with a Romanized LuoPan, one is supposed to hang the auspicious numbers so that one can be benefited by the numerology. Some numbers are to be worn as well. The outcome is that it does not brings the desired results as mentioned in Yifengshui article. This is the third wave of bastardizing FeiXing.
On the other hand, in Boleh-land, at least two entrepreneurs capitalized FeiXing fusing XuanKong with western numerology. Modifying the so called numerology in the manner of an inverted triangle to obtain the necessary Gua numbers. Matching the Qi location based on the LoShu with a Romanized LuoPan, one is supposed to hang the auspicious numbers so that one can be benefited by the numerology. Some numbers are to be worn as well. The outcome is that it does not brings the desired results as mentioned in Yifengshui article. This is the third wave of bastardizing FeiXing.

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