Wednesday, October 5, 2011

FlyingStar Basic - 57

Anonymous wrote: 

9,5 at Dui palace or 5,7 at Li palace will make it more permanent rite?

In short, he is talking about #5-9 and #5-7 combinations either in the 7 palace or the 9 palace in the following conjunctions of #9-5-7. It arises from the article XuanKong Classics. I am not sure what permanent which he refers to but I guess which combination would bring permanent illness.

While lets investigate what others had to say, I quote Hung's commentary:

"#7 represents young girl, prostitute. #9 represents beauty, both female stars.Total immersion in Sex and decadence. #5 represent poison. Imagery... is not hard to fathom. Do note...negative prediction requires negative land form trigger... - page 18 Ode to Flying Star"

Technically speaking, #5-9 is better then #5-7 in the context of Dui palace compared to Li palace. On such, #5-7 would have a longer effects. However, this is only one way of looking at the star conjunctions.

Coincidentally, I came across one restaurant in particular. The business was so-so and it was established by a company which sell jewelry mixed with the new-age metaphysics visionary numbers. So naturally, numbers speak for itself, it has a huge 57 hung on the facade. So, does it means to say, who ever visit the restaurant either wearing Red or in the month where the monthly 9 arrive, will definitely contracted STD???

Think again...

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