Tuesday, November 13, 2012

FengShui Master's House FengShui

While browsing some books in the bookshop, one caught my attention. It was a book about the house FengShui of a lady "grandmaster", who was once prompted the HooHa of period 8, located at a lush neighborhood of Kuala Lumpur. All that was showcased were a blend of a baroque crossover between a colonial exterior with a Tibetan temple interior. So much was written about how FlyingStar plays an integral role and yet nothing was said about the signature "door tilting" that was done by another grandmaster, who warrants little introduction for his door tilting techniques. Come to think of it, it wasn't an original design intent as noticeable from the different floor finishes. Which means to say, it was quite a recent makeover. A FengShui grandmaster's house FengShui(ed) by another grandmaster? Mind boggling! Anyway, the results speak for itself, which I reserve to comment.

Similarly, I chanced upon another case. It is an office of a FengShui organization which happened to be located in a suite designed by the same "door tilting" grandmaster. The problem here is, as a result of the tilted door of the opposite neighbor, it has created a "Killing" Qi of the first degree to this very FengShui organization. Short of saying, a FengShui organization in a lousy FengShui(ed) office. Mind boggling? Not at all, as admitted personally by the masters themselves.

It is never surprising that the worse FengShui may often found in premises of some FengShui practitioners, surprisingly some are very popular individuals. There is probably nothing wrong with that as it may be the ways of Heavenly grace. Similarity also can be traced to the FengShui forefather such as Yang the savior of the poor and Jiang the earth deity. Yang was a wandering monk and Jiang has to sell secret formula for the return of a stipend for buying his retirement home. Lai the cottan drape scholar and ShaoYung the sickly YiJing saint. Moderation is the highest gifts bestowed by Heaven not material gains, fame and titles. Probably these FengShui forefather's houses also have bad FengShui? Your guesses are better then mine.
On another note, a true lineage of QiMen DunJia which expertise in using "Geng" for the beneficial of others, is now living prosperously in Bangkok. Their forefather is so humble and obscure that he made others, rich but himself a homeless wanderer. Blame it to his FengShui?

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Who is Yang JungSong 楊筠松?

There are 2 versions to the History of Great Grandmaster Yang JungSong. 

The first version as most of us were told, the Great Grandmaster Yang JungSong, the official historical logbook 《南安府志》 reads: “Yang JungSong 楊筠松, citizen of Dou Zhou 竇州, was an officer during the reign of Xi Zhong 僖宗. He was in charge of Spiritual and Feng Shui Affairs. He reached the highest position of Golden Purple Light Prosperity Minister 金紫光祿大夫. When rebels headed by Huang Cao 黃巢 broke into the capital city, he cut short his hair and fled to Mount Kunlun 昆侖山." 

The second version as rarely known, the Great Grandmaster Yang JungSong was never be found in the official historical records of the Historian. There was however, a very small position held by him as a prison warden. Fate has brought him to encounter a prisoner who is a well versed FengShui master. In an attempt to help this prisoner to escape, he was taught YuHan Jing. The Great Grandmaster Yang JungSong, as the warden, later shown a partly decomposed corpse to the Emperor, convincing his majesty that the deceased is indeed the FengShui master that has been condemned to death. Predicting that his deception may not last forever, he took an incident in the palace to flee to FuJian. 

Which one is the reliable version?


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