Thursday, April 1, 2010

Bright Hall That Is Not Too Bright Afterall

The last audit brought us all the way to Tampin for an initial audit of a House. Sorry, not  a house,  it is a mansion. This mansion belongs to a wealthy family who was once a developer. The huge mansion has big bright hall. Yet, we asked ourselves what is the quality of this very bright hall?

If indeed the bright hall is so good, why would the people living in the mansion has Financial and human relationship Difficulty?

Many things wasn't quite right and the details are in the case study FOLDER. 

Another point to note is that, there were some strange omen happened during our visits that let us conclude the investigation without giving out any solutions. One of our consultant's LuoPan fell and chips (break) on the corner. The Qian mountain is residing at the very corner, the moment it breaks. What does it portend?

Later in the evening, while we visited another local master, that we finally made aware of the history about the mansion and its intricate tales about spiritualism, that we reserved to discuss further. 

Again, we wish to disclose here that not necessary a shop, a building or a mansion facing a bright hall is auspicious. The challenge is do you know how to capitalize the bright hall in the very first instance? This is the most fundamental layer of FengShui 101.


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