Monday, September 24, 2007

Almost Losing The Job

I came back to the office from my site meeting, I heard panic in the Architect's room. Apparently, for another project, not of my account, has encountered grave problem at the point of firing the Architect. The Managing Director had called the project Architect and his assistant to meet up. They were shaken and asked me to divine.

I plucked KAN above, LI below. Yes, I said to them, the projects are at the boiling levels, ready to explode. Take cover. Rest assured the job is still ours. Water coming downward and Fire moving upward, blending but may not be too sentimental. It is still a good omen. Just carry on to hear the music.

Indeed, the job is still intact. They were given the last chance to perform. You may have guess rightly that it is the same office I had mentioned earlier in my previous article about poor collection of fee during the holiday seasons.

Ar. David Yek Tak Wai

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