Sunday, January 24, 2010

Flying Star 2010 - DIY?

That is a very novel idea. Before we attempt to DIY, we need to go to a few basics. First we must know we are in the lower cycle, period 8. 2010 happens to be GengYin which belongs to the wood luck period. With the permutation through the LoShu, GengYin is located at the Kan sector. According to the notion of growth, prosperous, weakening, etc (ShengWang Jue) Kan sector is seen as the guest is controlling the host. So it is a palace in a killing stage.

In another words, we say GengYin, as a guest is controlling the period as the master. This is called controlling in. Then the first qualifying round is to understand is such controlling in beneficial?

Next, we put up another layer by flying in the 8 annual. Most book in the market stipulated that the good stars are 1, 4, 6, 8 and 9. Whereas the remainders are bad stars. Let us investigate further: -

1 and 9 are in a retreating stage. 4 is in the killing stage. How good can these be? 6 is in the growing stage and 8 has return to its prosperous stage and these are extremely handy star to use? 5 yellow, the most feared off is in a prosperous stage! Can we use it to activate extreme wealth? 2 illness star is in a retreating stage, very malignant? 3 is in the killing stage and will that be harmful? 7 robbery star at the prosperous stage, will it indicates bloodshed and robbery warrants to be rectified by the Chinese Rhino? And the exploration continues…

To DIY flying star of 2010 is a little bit difficult after all and it is not as simple as avoiding a few bad stars and activating a few good ones. The reasons are good one can also gone bad.

Next, we will make the matrix a little bit more complex by adding up the house sitting…

Stay tune.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your post really insightful!
I´m getting account some star numbers are associated to another element, example 9(fire) becomes associated to water, the same for stars 2,6,7,5, and 5 in the center, so please, how could you elaborate Geng Yin in Kan house and that change of the elements for each star? how is that permutation in the LoShu?


It is quite a lengthy permutation with its "intergalactic" timepiece logic, not suitable for the mass consumptions at the moment. Perhaps if you want to know more, just drop me a mail. BTW, GengYin is not in the Kan House. It only arrive at the Kan palace during the period 8.

Robert said...

Dear Master David,
Perhaps it is the Na Yin of each pillar, from Jia Shen [from 6 Jia Xu] to Gui Si since 2004.

Master David it is very confusing. Why so many way to count period? There are so called Heaven Qi with er yuan ba yun, Earth Qi San Yuan Ba Yun, now this 10 year cycle...

Would you please give me little hint what this 10 year cycle all about?



Good to see you here. Seen your posting somewhere and you seems to know quite a fair share on this ShengWang Jue.

I agree with you that it is quite confusing in counting of the period, saying thus, there must be a consistent methodology to account for the arrival of a period if it is none other then to reference the datum to the other stars within the enclosure, thus to hide the "Jia", by some extend.

That is a pointer.


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