Thursday, January 7, 2010

One Fail Case Of Shen's Flying Star

Another case that I stumbled upon while doing my spring cleaning was a typical case back in 2006, when we attempted to remedy a printing shop using the so popular method of Shen's method of Flying Star. The area wasn’t promising. Business seems to be quite slow. The shop is situated facing the Bright Hall along with the rest of the other shops that act as the embrace and table mountain. Strangely it is only this very shop that is still going on with their businesses while the other neighboring lots closing down one after the other. Again, the opposite row’s businesses are striving as usual. Comprising mostly of eateries, Magnum 4D and convenient shops, these outlets are surviving whereas the opposites shops all closed down with the exception of this very printer shop. The question as to why the Southern part (Li sector) of the shops row is more prosper then the Northern part (Kan sector) of the shops row? Again, if we investigate the Zhen and Ling Shen principle, wouldn’t that Li sector, the future prosper star cannot see “water” and yet business are better than the Kan located shops? Strange isn’t it?

This premise sits at Gui, facing Ding with support from the back and facing bright hall. It is a period 7 shop. Audited in the period 8. Main door located at Kun sector having 6-8. Facing star 8, current prosperity needs to be activated by water! So, naturally a water dispenser was suggested in lieu of the aquarium. Back of the shop at Kan palace, 7-7, double so called robbery stars! Burglar alarm was suggested. With all these in placed, some miracle must had happened, as in accordance to Shen’s Flying Star. Boom! ...... Nothing extra ordinary happened. There it goes with Shen’s method of Flying Star. Yet, they have to work doubly hard for the same amount of revenue, because of the 8 prosperous facing star.

A corrective FengShui was carried out in 2007. This time around we applied Purple White leaning star. The details are in Yifengshui (Inner Teachings). On the same year, the debts owing to them had been recovered and they bought over the opposite side of the shops for relocation. Then, we asked, what did we do? We didn’t place aquarium and the water dispenser is still there, we did not tilt the door, we did not ask them to renovate their shop? All we did was to ask them to reposition their machinery and putting up a painting in the correct location.

The lesson of this case is simple. The theory behind Flying Star is correct, but the application is incorrect. So, the best one can do with this sort of flying star chart is for prediction and only God’s know when it can be a remedy.


Unknown said...

Hi David,

Thank you for sharing. I am keen to learn more about Ba zhai, could you please suggest which classics to read?


Hi Kim,

BaZhai has a number of so called classics, that the more you read, the more confuse you are. However, to most beginners, the entry level should have been BaZhai MingJing (8 Mansions Bright Mirror). As you experimented with BaZhai, you will begin to understand which portions of this classic can and cannot be used.

The English version can be obtained from I was told, Terrence Chan is planning to write a translation on this classics under JY books. You may contact him via



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