For instances, the following case: -
“…The North brings the 7 annual per flying star where the pond/water fall is. It was installed probably more than 5 years ago, from the natal chart, the sitting and facing stars are 4 and 9 respectively, and the annual 7-flying star couldn't be the problem could it? They love having koi fish to enjoy their bright colors, but I am sure if the pond should be closed down to get a better luck, they'll do it. With that said, next year the annual 6 flying star will be there, so that'll be ok right? From my limited knowledge, I think there should no harm keeping it there (it's at the very edge of the Northern sector). However, I note that there is only one way to view the pond, that is through a double leafed full size window (around probably 4 meters total width, 2.5 meters height) standing in the North East corner of the living room looking to the East. Don't know if that is of significance or not, but I think the opening to the pond is quite small…
…I neglected to mention that there is huge pine tree (probably close to 8 meters height) in the house's front yard. If we take a perpendicular line from the main door's right hinge looking out it is right on the line about 7-8 meters in front of the main door. So probably hits the door from the E3 direction if we stand at the main door. Apparently, this tree in the yard has been there for close to 15 years thus the size; it used to be 1 meter in height when they first planted it. Could this be the problem all along? It doesn't shade the house too much, so I don't think it is the yin main door problem….
…But basically, their income has been declining significantly, not to such extent that they are struggling to make ends meet because they had quite a saving from the period before. However, the set back has been significant enough recently that they have had to pull back on a lot of expenses they didn't use to need think about. New Business Projects they venture into almost all failed in the end some due to false information, some due to bad partners, some just plain bad luck. These sap away quite a bit of their cash. Health wise, someone in their family is always sick (nothing major, things like flu, cold, sore throat. illness of that sort) - could be the annual 2 flying star…”
Ah, do we need to go through it entirely? There is a technical term called “graftifications” in the Architectural terminology. It means grafting meanings out of a series of random graphics, text, pictures, models and so on without the necessity to reasons it up logically, but the desire effects are to produce some logical deductions that matched the conventional framework of knowledge. Whereas in metaphysical form, it means plucking Guas, not from the environment but the message.
Saying so, I got the followings, #1-7, reading in context of period 7 with 1 water, glittering metals, timely and sparkling manifesting the ability to create wealth without the necessities to check on the fundamentals. The ability to promote and influence are norms of the day. #4-9, with crops growing healthily with ample sun from the South is indeed auspicious for the health aspect. Again, #1-6, among others the head of the family is bringing back the dough. #2-5, in context of 4, which I reserve to comment. Come period 8, #3-8, reading in context of period 8 with woods on mountaintop, fundamental is the order of the period and whatever built without the firm foundations are in the brink of collapsing resulting in New Business Projects they venture into almost all failed in the end some due to false information, some due to bad partners. Here the 3 is read as an officer or a ghost, depending on the scenario. Optimistically speaking, it should be a learning lesson for the entire household. #7-8, scarring of the mountain surface, no big deal on the wealth and health, probable bruises, flu and cough. If it is not kept notice, then it will lead to #1-5 in the context of 1, contaminations that may lead to calamities, if unfavorable.
Deciphering Gua from the given context is one task, remedy the situation is another. Again, is quite draining to go on, maybe another day…
Ar. David Yek Tak Wai